How to reduce Whatsapp hang and increase speed on Android.

sub - Reducing hang and increasing speed on Whatsapp.

Who doesn't have Whatsapp these days. The common problem we have while using whatsapp is phone hanging. Sometimes you may be using a powerful device. But will have the problem. You may wonder why. It is because you have more chats in your whatsapp. Every one of us has more than 100 chats on their app including groups. We receives hundreds of messages daily from some groups. So it is sure that your your phone will have hang in whatsapp.

Archiving your chats is the best way reduce hang. Archive chats will appear at the end of your chat list. New messages form archived chats will unarchive them and will be show in the top.So you will get every message and reduce the hang and increase the speed.
You may avoid the problem of keeping messages like junk.

To archive chats, long press on the chat and click on the archive simple. You can see the archived chat list at the bottom of your chat list.

For starters. You may follow the steps.

Long Press the chat you want to archive. Then the chat will be selected.

Click the archive button that appear on the top right corner. Now the chat is archived.

You can find the archived messages in the bottom of your chat list. You can view or unarchive the chats from their.

The more chats you archive, speed of whatsapp increases. The less number of chats in chat list, the hang or lag in whatsapp decreases.
Archive as much as chat you can. If you receive messages form a archived chat, it will return to chat list.

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